Community Church Child Care


Welcome to Community Church Child Care

If you are a working parent in the BisMan area, you know how hard finding child care can be. We’ve been right there with you, calling place after place, “Hi, do you have any spots available for an infant?” or “Hello, I was wondering if you have any part time spots open?” (I had twins… they almost laughed at me when I asked for not one, but two part time infant spots!) So many no’s, it can be discouraging! One of our goals at Community Church is to help meet the needs of our community so we decided to step up and try to help meet one of our communities biggest needs. After over a year of planning and preparing we are ready to step into this new ministry and are now taking registrations!

Jesus said,
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
— Matthew 19:14

One of the most important things we can do is to invest in the life of a child and that is exactly what we think running a child care facility is. It is an investment into our community’s future. Many children will spend more hours in daycare during their first five years of life than they will in elementary and middle school combined! So many hours that need to be filled with love, fun, freedom and learning!

Although we are not specifically a preschool, we recognized how important learning is for children in the early years. In fact, you can’t really keep them from learning! Everyday they learn new skills, new words, experience new feelings - it is such an exciting time! Maria Montessori described children as having absorbent minds and that is so true. They are constantly learning and taking in everything around them. The vast majority of our brain development happens before the age of five! Do you see why we think this is one of the most important times in a person’s life?! Our goal at Community Church Child Care is to provide a rich, loving environment where children learn as a natural extension of their curiosity about the world.

Rates and Availability

We offer both full and part time care. Our part time care can be for between 1-4 full days a week. We are now offering half day rates for all ages. We welcome newborns through 6 years old during the school year and up to 10 years old in the summer as availability allows.

Families pay monthly, on the first of each month for full and part time, and at the beginning of each day for drop-in care.

Full time Monthly rates

  • 0-18 Months………….. $1050-$1350

  • 18-36 Months……………$1000

  • 3 years……………………$950

  • 4-5 Years…………………$900

  • 6 Years and above………...$800

Part Time & drop-in Daily Rates

  • Part Time Care…………..Price varies depending on the number of days needed (You choose a set number of days/which days per week and prepay for the month. Ex: Tuesday/Thursday)

  • Half Day Rates- ………….. $50 0-18 months, $35 for 18 months and up (5 hour spots, 7:30-12:30, 12:30-5:30 We may have some flexibly so please inquire for your specific needs.)

  • Drop-In Care……………$75 for 0-18 months per day, $65 for 18 months and up per day (Availability is very limited)

How to Reach Us

Call Robin at (701)226-7357

Email Robin at

Click the button below to apply for registration.

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